1. Seton Urban District The Urban District is home to the South Calgary Health Campus, a public library, a Cineplex VIP, YMCA and many restaurants, grocery stores and shops. 2. Walk to school Joane Cardinal-Schubert High School sits beside the YMCA and the library. Four additional schools will be built in the near future, including public, Catholic and French immersion schools. 3. The Homeowners Association When complete, the Homeowners Association (HOA) will feature a splash park, hockey rink, tennis courts and gardens. It will be the heart of the neighbourhood. 4. A true community Seton is designed to bring people together. That can be at the HOA, a local restaurant or in your own backyard. Neighbours meeting neighbours—it’s how communities get built. 5. Healthy choices made easy Seton is built around wellness. We have extensive pathways, the world’s largest YMCA, seniors communities and the South Health Campus.